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发布时间:2024-05-10     点击数量:







E-mail: luanyingcheng@cumt.edu.cn



栾英成,男,山东烟台人,博士毕业于东南大学交通学院道路工程专业。近五年以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文20篇,担任Journal of Cleaner ProductionConstruction and Building MaterialsJournal of Materials in Civil EngineeringRoad Materials and Pavement Design等期刊审稿人。









Ÿ 国家重点研发计划课题,陆路交通基础设施韧性提升共性关键技术,在研,参与;

Ÿ 国家自然科学基金优青项目,多孔沥青路面养护,结题,参与;

Ÿ 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于多尺度分析的冷再生沥青混合料强度机理与疲劳失效机制研究,结题,参与。


Ÿ 基于精分料体系薄层罩面再生沥青混合料关键技术,在研,主持;

Ÿ 应力吸收层抗裂性能提升与评价方法体系研究,在研,主持;

Ÿ 高性能再生冷补料力学性能关键技术研究,在研,主持。


Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Tao Ma, Siqi Wang, et al. Investigating Mechanical Performance and Interface Characteristics of Cold Recycled Mixture: Promoting Sustainable Utilization of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022. (Q1, TOP)

Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Jianhua Wang, Tao Ma, et al. Modification mechanism of flue gas desulfurization gypsum on fly ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slag alkali-activated materials: Promoting green cementitious material. Construction and Building Materials. 2023. (Q1, TOP)

Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Weiguang Zhang, Tao Ma, et al. Effect of Existing Pavement Condition and Overlaying Strategy on the Reflective Cracking Resistance of Asphalt Pavement. Construction and Building Materials. 2023. (Q1, TOP)

Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Yuan Ma, Tao Ma, et al. Investigation on the effects of physical property and stress state of graded crushed stone on resilient modulus and permanent deformation. Construction and Building Materials. 2023. (Q1, TOP)

Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Yuan Ma, Tao Ma, et al. Research on the Effects of Asphalt Performance on Rutting Resistance and its Correlation with Rutting Performance Indicators. Construction and Building Materials. 2023. (Q1, TOP)

Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Xuejun Ma, Yuan Ma, et al. Research on Strength Improvement and Stabilization Mechanism of Organic Polymer Stabilizer for Clay Soil of Subgrade. Case Studies in Construction Materials. 2023. (Q1)

Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Wei Lu, Kun Fu. Research on Resilient Modulus Prediction Model and Equivalence Analysis for Polymer Reinforced Subgrade Soil under Dry-Wet Cycle. Polymers. 2023. (Q1)

Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Weiguang Zhang, Yongli Zhao, et al. Mechanical Property Evaluation for Steel Slag in Asphalt Mixture with Different Skeleton Structures Using Modified Marshall Mix Design Methodology. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2022. (Q2)

Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Weiguang Zhang, Shihui Shen, et al. Effect of Aged Material Properties on Transverse Crack Performance with Two-round Field Observations. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2023. (Q2)

Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Yuan Ma, Weiguang Zhang, et al. Adaptability evaluation of pavement structure to replacement treatment subgrade of black cotton soil. Transportation Safety and Environment. 2020. (EI)

Ÿ 栾英成, 陈田, 马涛, . 基于精细化DEM建模的冷再生混合料断裂性能分析. 中国公路学报. 2021. (EI)

Ÿ 马涛, 栾英成*, 何亮, . 乳化沥青与泡沫沥青冷再生技术发展综述. 交通运输工程学报. 2023. (EI)

Ÿ Jianhua Wang, Yingcheng Luan*, Tao Ma, et al. Experimental investigation on the mechanical performance and microscopic characterization of desulfurization gypsum-reinforced ternary geopolymer. Construction and Building Materials. 2023. (Q1, TOP)

Ÿ Yuan Ma, Xuejun Ma, Yingcheng Luan*, et al. Research on key influencing factors of scrap tire-soil retaining wall. Case Studies in Construction Materials. 2023. (Q1)

Ÿ Yuan Ma, Yingcheng Luan*, Yang Zhang, et al. Investigation of Compacting Parameters on Intelligent Compaction Quality Based on Dynamic Model. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements. 2023. (Q3)

Ÿ Yuan Ma, Yingcheng Luan*, Shuangquan Jiang, et al. Numerical Simulation Analysis for the Effect of Water Content on Intelligent Compaction Quality of Roadbed. Electronic Research Archive. 2023. (Q3)

Ÿ Yingcheng Luan, Tao Ma, Guangji Xu, et al. Research on the Effects of Material Compositions on the Mechanical Characteristic of the Cold Recycled Mixture Based on Interface Microstructure Analysis. Transportation Research Board. 2021.会议论文

Ÿ Tian Chen, Yingcheng Luan, Tao Ma, et al. Mechanical and microstructural characteristics of different interfaces in cold recycled mixture containing cement and asphalt emulsion. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020. (Q1, TOP)

Ÿ Yuan Ma, Yingcheng Luan, Weiguang Zhang, et al. Numerical simulation of intelligent compaction for subgrade construction. Journal of Central South University. 2020. (Q1)

Ÿ Qi Wang, Yingcheng Luan, Bei Jiang, et al. Study on Key Technology of Tunnel Fabricated Arch and its Mechanical Mechanism in the Mechanized Construction. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2019. (Q1, TOP)

Ÿ Qi Wang, Yingcheng Luan, Bei Jiang, et al. Mechanical Behaviour Analysis and Support System Field Experiment of Confined Concrete Arches. Journal of Central South University, 2019. (Q1)

Ÿ Weiguang Zhang, Yingcheng Luan, Tao Ma, et al. Multilevel Analysis of the Aging Mechanisms and Performance Evolution of Rubber-Modified Asphalt. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2021. (Q2)

Ÿ Xuechi Gao, Yingcheng Luan, Chao Hu, et al. Study on bearing mechanism and coupling mechanism of steel arch-concrete composite structure of initial support system of large section tunnel. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 2019. (EI)


Ÿ High-Strength Confined Concrete Support System for Underground Tunnel

Ÿ 一种柔性复合混凝土喷层支护材料

Ÿ 充填裂隙岩石流固耦合性能的检测方法

Ÿ 一种充填贯通裂隙岩石渗流性能检测方法

Ÿ 一种对富水围岩注浆控水效果的评估方法

Ÿ 应用于地下工程围岩注浆方案的确定方法

Ÿ 一种约束混凝土拱架的装配设备及施工工艺

Ÿ 装配式支护结构及利用该支护结构的施工方法

Ÿ 充填贯通裂隙岩石渗流性能对比试验检测方法

Ÿ 一种隧道槽型约束混凝土初期支护体系及方法

Ÿ 测定地下工程中裂隙围岩锚注渗流规律的方法

Ÿ 装配式约束混凝土拱架核心混凝土灌注设备及工艺

Ÿ 地下工程标准化装配式约束混凝土拱架智能安装方法

Ÿ 地下工程拱架拼装定位调节系统、调节台车及调节方法

Ÿ 一种钢管混凝土拱架耦合性能检测及评价方法与检测结构

Ÿ 一种适用于地下隧道的约束混凝土拱架支护自动化施工方法



Ÿ 岩石力学与工程学会优秀毕业设计(论文)

Ÿ 创青春全国大学生创新创业大赛:全国银奖(第1位)

Ÿ 创青春山东省大学生创业大赛:山东省金奖(第1位)

Ÿ 互联网+”山东省大学生创业大赛:山东省二等奖(第1位)

Ÿ 高等学校土木工程优秀创新实践成果:全国二等奖(第1位)

Ÿ 挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛:山东省特等奖


Ÿ 中美创新创业大赛-北方赛区一等奖

Ÿ 挑战杯全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛-国际专项赛:全国二等奖
