主持人:杨圣奇(中国矿业大学力学与土木工程学院副院长) |
邀请专家:Ranjith Pathegama Gamage(澳大利亚莫纳什大学教授、博士 生导师、中国矿业大学特聘教授) 报告题目:How to write the literature review | 8:30-9:45 |
茶 歇(9:45-10:00) |
邀请专家:刘建军(西南石油大学教授、博士生导师、学报中心主任) 报告题目:科技论文的写作与投稿 | 10:00-11:00 |
邀请专家:王建国(中国矿业大学教授、博士生导师) 报告题目:SCI 论文的写作经验与体会 | 11:00-12:00 |
午 餐(12:00-14:30) |
参观深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室 | 15:00-17:30 |
Ranjith PathegamaGamage:Male, he was bornin 1968. He is a fullProfessor in Geomechanics and he joined Monash University in 2003, after working in the Geotechnical and Rock Engineering unit at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Prof Ranjith is the founder and the director of the Deep Earth Energy laboratory at Monash university. He is the current Head of the Geomechanics Group. He was the former Director of Research and Director of Research Training for the Department of Civil Engineering, and the Deputy Head of Department Civil Eng. He has published over total of 250 refereed research outputs, including one book, ten book chapters, and 165 journal papers. Prof Ranjith has received over $16.8m funding and co-ordinated 26 research grants to successful completion, including ARC (Australian Research Council) Discovery grants, ARC Linkage grants, ARC LIEF grants, CRC grant, Industry grants, Australia-China grants, European Framework Programs (FP6 and FP7). Prof Ranjith’s expertise covers: Geological sequestration of carbon dioxide, Unconventional oil and gas(Shale gas, tight gas, coal seam gas), Petroleum geomechanics, Deep geothermal energy, Mining geomechanics, Rock and Soil Mechanics, Enhanced oil recovery methodologies (EOR), Sand production from unconsolidated reservoirs. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Geomechanics and Geophysics for GeoEnergy and GeoResource, Springer (a dedicated journal for resources and energy including oil/gas) . In addition, he severs to many journal editorial board including an Assistant Editor of Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources, Elsevier; Editorial board member of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Springer and Editorial board member of Engineering Geology, and Heliyon, Elsevier. He was awarded the ARC Future Fellowship (2009) for his research work to combat climate change, as well as the Australian Leadership award in 2013.
刘建军:男,1972年生,1996年本科毕业于辽宁工程技术大学采矿工程专业;1999年硕士毕业于辽宁工程技术大学工程力学专业;2001年博士毕业于中国科学院研究生院流体力学专业;2002年进入中国 科学院武汉岩土力学所博士后流动站;2008年公派到日本静冈大学工学部做访问教授。2001年破格晋升副教授,2003年破格晋升教授,2005年被评为中国科学院研究生院博士生导师;曾任武汉轻工大学 土建学院院长、西南石油大学土建学院院长,现任西南石油大学学报中心主任、二级教授、地质工程学科负责人。兼任四川省科技期 刊学会副理事长、四川省高校学报研究会副理事长。主要从事岩土 体渗流方面的教学和科研工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家科技重大专项、国家科技支撑计划等国家级课题6项,省部级课题12项。发表论文240多篇, 其中,SCI收录42篇,EI收录56篇。
王建国:中国矿业大学力学与土木工程学院、深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室的特聘教授。他毕业于清华大学,获水利工程学士学位 (1984)和岩土工程硕士学位(1987)。在重庆大学参加工作,六年后获 日本文部省奖学金资助,到名古屋大学土木工程系深造,获计算岩土力 学方向的工学博士学位(1996)。博士毕业后先后在新加坡国立大学和澳 大利亚的西澳大学就职,从事防护工程,非常规油气藏开采(主要针对 煤层气和页岩气)数值模拟,和二氧化碳地下存储等方面的研究和教学工作,2014年9月全职加入中国矿业大学。至今已发表SCI论文近100篇,其中一篇论文已达451次引用(2017年4月19日查Web of Science),